Assessment Manual Analyzer / Logical Quadrant

Analyze Logical Quadrant

Analyzer / Logical Quadrant

Basic Tendencies (Always present)

An introverted person with a tendency to want to deal with the details. These people will either be independent and of few words or talk a lot to explain all the details. Their great fears are making mistakes and will try to achieve security by doing homework and being prepared. They prefer to make decisions after examining the pros and cons.

Tendencies (Often but not always)

An interest in doing detail, accounting, clerical or technical work, usually in a serious, methodical, logical and exacting manner.

Personality Overview

An introverted person with a tendency to want to deal with the details. These people will either be independent and of few words or talk a lot to explain all the details. Their great fears are making mistakes and will try to achieve security through doing homework and being prepared. They prefer to make decisions after examining the pros and cons.

What the Trait is NOT

This quadrant doesn’t measure a person’s ability to organize, plan, see detail or see mistakes. Even though this person has comfort in analyzing and being methodical it does not mean they are emotionless. In fact, these people can over sensitive.

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Closely Related Traits

  • Organization
  • Attention to Detail
  • Confront Paperwork
  • Low Impulsive.

Opposite Traits

  • Talking
  • Warm and Social
  • Calling Comfort
  • Impulsive
Low Range

Extreme Low Range

0-2. Zero on this quadrant shows the person feels uncomfortable doing administrative things and detail work. For example, this person will put off doing the paper work needed for taxes or balancing a checkbook. This person is more likely to feel comfortable socializing, being spontaneous and ignoring organizational and detail chores. There is not an indication of an attitude problem

Poor Range

Low Range

(One of the three lowest quadrant scores with the greatest difference between it and the Expressive/Social one.) Low scores on this trait show the person feels uncomfortable doing administrative, accounting, organization and detail work. For example, this person would put off doing the paper work needed for taxes or balancing a check book. This person is more likely to feel comfortable and spend time being sociable and spontaneous rather than organizing the details of their environment.

Borderline Range

Medium Range

At this range a person is neither uncomfortable nor interested in doing administrative, technical, and organizational or detail work.

Ok Range

High Range

(One of the three highest quadrant scores with the greatest difference between it and the Expressive/Social one.) In this range the person prefers an exacting, methodical approach to life and likes to do technical and detail work. This person can be quite happy doing detail and technical work all day long without much human contact. He or she is usually the quiet one in social settings of unfamiliar people. These people are the opposite of the expressive/social.

Ok Range

Extreme High Range

95-100 (Top score). In this range, the person prefers being exact, and taking a more methodical approach to life and likes to do technical and/or detailed work. This person can be quite happy doing detail and technical work all day long without much human contact. He or she is usually the quiet one in the social settings of unfamiliar people. These people are the opposite of the expressive social.

Best Job Roles for Analyzer Logical People

Most suitable occupations for this analyzer logical quadrant: Accounting, engineering, estimating, administrating, clerical, programming, installing, analyzing systems, fixing machines, technical work, truck driving, making things and so on.

Supervisor Strengths