Pre-employment testing:
hire the best, faster.

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Rated a Top Talent Assessment Company

Looking for ways to expedite and facilitate your hiring process? The Hire Talent provides a variety of recruiting and selection tools to help you find the best possible candidate quickly and efficiently.

Trusted by HR managers, small businesses, C-suite executives, hiring managers, and candidates, our tools will save you time and missteps, from recruiting through performance management.

Discover Hidden Talent

Learn your candidate’s strengths and uncover skill sets that complement your current team.

Eliminate the Wrong Candidates

Eliminate the wrong candidates long before the interview process begins.

Select the Best Match

Quickly discover which applicants are likely to be a great match for your corporate culture.

Welcome to the place where science and hiring experience work together to ensure the perfect candidate fit.

Personality Assessment Tests

Our personality assessment tests are a quick way to figure out what candidate will suit best each job you have to offer. This can allow you to increase retention, engagement, and success in the workplace for all your employees!

Identify Candidates Who Will Love their Jobs!

Cognitive & Aptitude Assessment Tests

With our cognitive & aptitude tests, employers can predict job performance and identify employees with strong problem-solving and decision-making skills, among others. Such an simple solution to save the company thousands in failed hires!

Hire the Most Intelligent Talent

Skills Assessment Tests

It is hard to find candidates with specific hard skills to make a great fit for your company. Or is it? Our skills assessment tests reveal if your candidates' skills are up-do-date and on par with the job requirements.

Evaluate Hard Skills

Sales Assessment Tests

Our sales assessment tests will reveal which candidates you can hire to drive revenue and increase your company's bottom line. Out there, you have a potential sales superstar. Let's find them together!

Create the Best Sales Team

Leadership Assessment Tests

The best way to find a great leader is by testing them. Strategically assessing the top contenders with a dedicated battery of leadership tests can make all the difference in your company.

Reveal leadership potential

Through our 30+ years of experience, we've developed optimized processes for the 7 stages of finding, hiring, and managing top performers. Here are those 7 processes and our tools to help you make the best possible hiring decisions.

Setting Expectations

Identify exactly what drives success for the role, what responsibilities will be given, and what the salary will be. Then write out job descriptions, job ads, and all the attendant details. Setting expectations is a crucial aspect of a successful employment process.

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Using job postings, referrals and other methods, garner a large pool of applicants. Use our Rapid Recruit Applicant Tracking System to make it easy to cull the list for the best candidates to choose from.

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Assess which candidates have the personality, aptitude, and skills for the role you need to fill. Avoid picking the wrong person for the job by following the well-defined processes our Assessment Tools encompass. Your company deserves the best talent on the market!

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The interview is a critical step in your hiring process, where you'll gauge a candidate's interest level, analyze their past performance, gather references, and determine their desired salary.  Our Candidate Scorecard provides you with clearly defined checkpoints to simplify this process.

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Reference Checking

Get insight on any candidate’s previous performance from their direct past supervisor and co-workers.  Our Reference Hunter gives you access to tools for effective automation of this process.

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On Boarding

It's important to let new hires know on their first day exactly what they'll be doing, what their resources are, and to establish well-defined goals for them to achieve by specific dates. Our onboarding resources can help you plot a course for their success.

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Performance Management

Execute performance evaluations annually, to ensure employees are doing meaningful work and that their workplace allows them to be productive. Knowing where they need to improve and where they're doing well is essential to their growth. Our Performance Management tool makes that a breeze.

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7 Stages Image

The Hire Talent also offers Continuing Education Credits for SHRM and HRCI certifications. Contact us for more information on continuing education credits.

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Attention job candidates!

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