Cognitive Ability Test
Leverage Cognitive Ability Testing to Consistently Hire the Smartest Candidates
Assess Logic, Reasoning Skills, Attention, and Memory all at once.
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"Swear by their pre-employment assessments. I'm learning to NOT hire without using these tests and trusting them completely. If you're looking for the top candidates, this will certainly help weed out those not in the higher tiers" - 5/5 star verified Trustpilot review

Find Your Next Top Performer with Cognitive Ability Testing
Hire Candidates You can Depend on to Make the Best Decisions
Our Cognitive Ability test reveals which candidates & employees:
- Maintain Consistent Focus
- Can Solve Complex Problems
- Are Intelligent Overall
The Cognitive Ability Test measures a candidate’s ability to correctly answer questions pertaining to logic, memory, and reasoning.
How the Test is scored
- Points are attributes based on correct responses to Logical problems
- The amount of time taken to complete the test
Use the Cognitive Ability Test in any position that requires an overall intelligent candidate.
Positions we've seen success with:
- Engineers
- Accountants
- Marketing
- Administrative Roles
- Project Managers
& Countless More
Average Time to Complete
This test takes 30 minutes to complete on average.
Try Our Cognitive Ability Test
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Identify Intelligent candidates
30 min Avg Test Length
Unbiased & Scientifically Proven Testing
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