Is your Cup half-full or half-empty?
Will your candidates focus on the positive side or will they focus on faults?

Focusing on the positive side of people, things, and situations rather than the negative side. Attention to the quality, beauty, worth or value of people, things and situations.
Opposite of the Critical trait which finds faults in people or things. If this trait is too high, the person will tend to overlook faults when they are there; if the trait is too low, the person will tend to see faults when there aren’t any or aren’t important. This is only a problem if the Critical trait is too high.
Most people who score low on this trait will have a difficult time accepting they criticize others. They usually think the Assessment result is reading the criticism they have for themselves.
What the Trait is NOT
This trait does not measure empathy although high appreciation will tend to indicate it. This trait does not measure appreciation of self or self-criticism even though most people who criticize others will criticize themselves too. This trait does not measure one’s willingness or ability to express what one appreciates.
Closely Related Traits
• Critical
• Empathy
Closely Related Tests
Predictor Profile
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Extreme Low Range
0 to 9. Very critical of others. This is also an indicator of attitude problems and is included in the attitude results under the critical trait.
Low Range
10 to 35. In this range, the person will see imaginary or exaggerated faults in others. This is also an indicator of attitude problems and is included in the attitude results under the critical trait.
Medium Range
40 to 60 Shows a good balance of Assertiveness. This trait in this range would not adversely affect any position.
High Range
61 to 95. These people see things in a positive light when they shouldn’t. This person is too optimistic or too agreeable or both. This person is likely to have low standards.
Extreme High Range
96 to 100. These people see things in a positive light when they shouldn’t. Far too optimistic. Far too agreeable. These people are likely to have very low standards. This not an indicator of integrity/attitude problems.
Interview Questions
What did you admire about your past supervisor?
What ideas didn’t you agree with about that supervisor?
Name the supervisor before the previous one? What did you admire most about that supervisor?
For Manager Empathy
Use this trait to identify candidates who will appreciate their jobs, supervisors, and the opportunities given to them.