Assessment Manual Concentration

Find people who have the concentration to get things done

Use the Concentration trait to identify which candidates will be the most efficient and concentrated on work




The comfort and ability to be able to focus one’s attention on a particular task.

This is more a measurement of how well a person can control his or her mind onto single subjects for extended periods.

What the Trait is NOT

This trait does not measure interest in doing detail work.

Closely Related Traits


Closely Related Tests

Predictor Profile

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Low Range

Extreme Low Range

0 to 4. This person’s mind goes from one thing to another very easily. This person is very easily distracted or dispersed mentally. This person may have competency problems. Research on these assessments shows the less competent people tend to have poor concentration. This is not an indicator of attitude problems. The Ability to Focus Trait takes concentration into consideration.

Poor Range

Low Range

5 to 39. This person’s mind goes from one thing to another very easily. This person is easily distracted or dispersed mentally. This person may have competency problems. Research on these assessments shows the less competent people tend to have poor concentration. The Ability to Focus Trait takes concentration into consideration.

Borderline Range

Medium Range

40 to 60. The person has good flexibility between focus and other priorities and would be acceptable to most positions.

Ok Range

High Range

61 to 95. This person is able to focus on the task at hand without difficulty and not easily distracted. Research on these assessments shows the more competent people tend to have good concentration. The Ability to Focus Trait takes concentration into consideration.

Ok Range

Extreme High Range

96 to 100. These people are almost too fixed on the task at hand and can’t be distracted. These people can get so riveted on one thing that they are unaware of their current environment or other priorities. Research on these assessments shows the more competent people tend to have good concentration. The Ability to Focus Trait takes

Interview Questions

Are you more comfortable alone in a cubicle or in a more open environment with others?

Why is that?

What type of things distracts you from your work (don’t accept "nothing")?

What else distracts you from your work (don’t accept, “nothing”)?

What works best for you when prioritizing your work?

For Manager Empathy

Identify candidates who can focus on the task at hand without getting distracted. The best solutions come from full concentration.

Supervisor Strengths