Confidence Fear
Hire Candidates with the Confidence to Take Risks and Produce Results

Confidence Fear
Either not being afraid in general or not being afraid to tell people what they need to be told or not afraid to make a decision, even though it may be wrong, and move forward.
Important Note
Because of the small number of questions on this trait, even a very poor score may not address one or two aspects of the definition above in any way. This trait only gives a slight insight into the person’s level of courage.
What the Trait is NOT
Only an intellectual understanding of fear.
Closely Related Traits
- Managing Fear
- Not Nice
- Confront People
- Self Esteem
- Self Confidence
Closely Related Tests
- Predictor Profile
- People and Logic Test
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Extreme Low Range
Less than 0. The candidate is likely to be fearful and lack confidence. Unlikely to be able to tell people what they need to be told and being very careful about making decisions especially if impulsive is very low.
Low Range
1 to 26. The candidate is likely to have some problems with fear and confidence. Unlikely to be able to tell people what they need to be told and being very careful about making decisions especially if impulsive is very low.
Borderline Range
27 to 40. The candidate has borderline problems with fear and confidence. Poor to borderline ability to tell people what they need to be told or being very careful about making decisions especially if impulsive is very low.
Medium Range
41 to 74. The candidate is not likely to have problems with fear and confidence. OK ability to tell people what they need to be told or OK being careful about making decisions especially if impulsive is very low.
High Range
75 to 90. The candidate is courageous as can be determined from so few questions.
Extreme High Range
91 to 100. The candidate is very courageous as can be determined from so few questions.
Interview Question
For Sales People:
Hand the candidate a lead and ask them to call the prospect right then and there and get an appointment.