Assessment Manual Self Confidence

Do your candidates have the Self Confidence to try, learn, and make things happen?

Test for the Self Confidence traits to identify people who believe in themselves and their own capabilities.


Self Confidence


One of the four main general emotional competency traits. The ability to believe that one can do something and actually do something.

This whole subject of general competence is dependent on Self Confidence. If people believe they can do things, they usually can. They are willing to try and learn and make things happen.

Those who lack Self Confidence do not believe in themselves enough to try, and consequently don’t make things happen. Those who do have confidence in themselves can make things happen.

What the Trait is NOT

A personal feeling of well being or self-esteem.

Closely Related Traits


Closely Related Tests

Predictor Profile

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Low Range

Extreme Low Range

0 to 4. Low scores on this trait show the person lacks confidence to take action as they are pretty sure they are unable to do what is required. Therefore, their fears prevent them from taking the actions they need to take or to even think of alternatives they could perform. However, I have seen good employees in assistant roles with low scores on this trait.

Poor Range

Low Range

5 to 33. Low scores on this trait show the person lacks confidence to take action as they are not sure they can do what is required. Therefore, their fears prevent them from taking some actions they need to take or to think of some alternatives they could perform. However, I have seen good employees in assistant roles with low scores on this trait.

Borderline Range

Medium Range

34 to 65. A borderline reading on this trait is 40. This is another trait that heavily depends on the position applied for. Make sure this trait is above the minimum benchmarks.

Ok Range

High Range

65 to 89. These people believe they can do things and they can.

Interview Questions

How confident do you feel about doing the job one level above the one you are applying for?

Would you rather be known for being dependable or effective?

How would you rate your ability to judge other people?

Do you ever take on projects that cause you to doubt your abilities?

For Manager Empathy

Success in any career starts with the belief you can achieve something great. Use the self-confidence trait to find the candidates who know they can succeed.

Supervisor Strengths