Supporter / Empathy Quadrant

Assessment Manual Supporter / Empathy Quadrant

Supporter Empathy Quadrant

Supporter / Empathy Quadrant

Basic Tendencies (Always present)

An interest in pleasing and comforting other people.

Tendencies (Often but not always)

A desire to help and sympathize for other people.

Personality Overview

A comfort and interest in listening, being patient and appreciating other people and putting off getting involved or necessary confrontations.

What the Trait is NOT

his quadrant doesn’t measure a person’s ability to effectively help.

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Closely Related Traits

  • Empathy
  • Patience
  • Appreciation
  • Listen
  • Avoid Confrontation

Opposite Traits

  • Assertive
  • Competitive
  • Impatience
  • Confront people
  • Self-esteem.
Low Range

Extreme Low Range

0-2. A zero on this trait shows that the person feels disinterested in helping others, teaching one-on-one and listening to what others have to say. There is no indication of an attitude problem.

Poor Range

Low Range

(One of the three lowest quadrant scores with the greatest difference between it and the Controller/Assertive one.) Low scores on this trait usually indicate the person feels disinterested in pleasing others, caring for others, teaching one-on-one and listening to what others have to say. They would prefer to persuade or confront others to follow their plan.

Borderline Range

Medium Range

At this range, a person is somewhat interested in caring for strangers, listening to others and teaching one-on-one.

Ok Range

High Range

(One of the three highest quadrant scores with the greatest difference between it and the Controller/Assertive one.) In this range the person likes to agree with and please people and usually likes to teach one-on-one and listen to others. In this range, the person can become too sympathetic to the problems of others. This person likes to work with others on a consensus and supportive basis. This person likes to reconcile differences and keep the peace.

Ok Range

Extreme High Range

95-100 (Top score). In this range the person likes to agree with and please others, teach one-on-one and listen to others. In this range, the person can become too sympathetic to the problems of others. This person likes to work with others on a consensus basis. This person likes to reconcile differences and to keep the peace. There is no indication of an attitude problem. These people are the opposite of the Controller/Assertive.

Best Job Roles for Supporter Empathy People

Nursing, coaching one-on-one, apprenticing others, serving customers, technical support, customer service, problem solving, assisting

Supervisor Strengths